An approach to the processes of secondary victimization and social co-responsibility
Victimology, Violence, DevictimizationAbstract
The Victimology has gone through different historical moments and it took greater importance in the last decades, passing from focus a study to the victim only as part of a dynamic crime to study processes as well factors influencing the victimization. These experiential processes of people suffering damage related to different elements that allow its overcoming and restructuring (what is known as the process of devictimization). The relevance acquired by the victimological study in social dynamics has to do with the relationship between the concept of violence and the environments that foster it. This affects the new ways of building the process of victimization and even in revictimizations by the members of the society in which the victim is immersed. This dynamic is permeated by multiple victimizations to a person, which make it difficult to overcome the initial harmful event, it has been seen the combination of successive situations that continue to impair the quality of life of the victim. Therefore, it is important to mention what are these processes, their relationship with violence and how social co-responsibility is a part that must be developed in current societies.
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