Compliance as a Mechanism for Preventing Corruption
compliance, corruption, crime prevention, compliance officers, ISO 37001:2016, whistleblowers, greenwashing, anti-corruption regulationsAbstract
Compliance is a control system that seeks to ensure organizations adhere to legal and ethical standards, both in corporate and governmental spheres. Historically, the concept has evolved from an administrative tool to a key strategy in the fight against corruption. Compliance programs include essential elements such as risk identification, internal policies, and the role of compliance officers. These programs are vital for preventing corrupt practices through ongoing oversight and the establishment of clear procedures. Normatively, compliance is supported by international frameworks such as the UN Convention Against Corruption, the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), and the UK Bribery Act. At the national level, many jurisdictions have adopted their own regulations to reinforce the fight against corruption. Additionally, ISO 37001:2016 provides an international standard for anti-bribery management systems, offering tangible benefits for businesses and governments. Compliance is particularly relevant in high-risk sectors such as public procurement and regulated industries (banking, energy, telecommunications). Technology has transformed this field through tools like artificial intelligence, blockchain, and whistleblower platforms that enhance transparency and protect whistleblowers. However, the effective adoption of compliance programs requires overcoming cultural and regulatory barriers and depends on the ethical commitment of top management. In conclusion, compliance is a fundamental pillar in the prevention of corruption. As organizations face new challenges, these systems must adapt to continue ensuring integrity across various economic and governmental sectors.
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