Treatment of the specialty principle (lex especialis derogat legi generali) and the preventive regime of antinomies in the administrative procedures law


  • Jaime Edwin Martínez Ventura Ministerio de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología de El Salvador


Antinomies, Administrative Procedures Law, Normative contradiction


This is a study on the principle of specialty, according to which, in cases of contradiction between a prior special rule and a subsequent general rule, the former prevails. Consequently, this universal principle of law operates as a criterion for the solution of normative antinomies or contradictions. For this reason, some general aspects of antinomies are developed, such as their definition, requirements, identification criteria, classes of antinomies and the rules or criteria for their solution. But the interest of this paper is to discover how the Administrative Procedures Law (LPA) treats this principle and the possible antinomies that may arise from the entry into force of the former. The main finding is that the LPA establishes a “Preventive Regime of Double-Sided Antinomies”: On the one hand, as a general rule, it establishes the express derogation, nominative or innominate, of previous laws or special rules that contradict the LPA; and, on the other hand, as an exception, it imposes the express prevalence of certain special rules. This regime is complemented by the “Mandate for the Correction of Antinomies with Prevalence of the LPA”, established in its article 166, which obliges state institutions to adapt to the LPA the norms of any nature that regulate the different administrative procedures that may be incompatible with the provisions of said law.


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Author Biography

Jaime Edwin Martínez Ventura, Ministerio de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología de El Salvador

Master in Economic Criminal Law and Bachelor of Legal Sciences from the University of El Salvador. President of the Board of the Teaching Career Sector One of San Salvador. Former Director General of the National Academy of Public Security. Former Coordinator of the Juvenile Justice Unit of the Supreme Court of Justice. Co-founder and former director of the Center for Criminal Studies of El Salvador, CEPES. Founder of the Center for Scientific Research, CINC, the ANSP and its magazine “Police and Public Security”. Member of the Latin American Group of Studies on International Criminal Law. Member of the Organized Crime Observatory in Latin America. Former member of the Board of Directors of the International Law Enforcement Academy, ILEA-San Salvador, for the government of El Salvador. He was a member of the Board of Directors of the Central American Institute for Higher Police Studies, ICESPO. Co-founder of the Network for the Internationalization of Police Education, RINEP. Member of the Latin American Council of the Institute for Comparative Studies in Criminal and Social Sciences, INECIP, based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Member of the Central American Editorial Board of the magazine “Justicia Penal y Sociedad”, of the Institute of Criminal Sciences of Guatemala, ICCPG. He was coordinator in El Salvador of the Latin American magazine on criminal policy "Pena y Estado".


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How to Cite

Martínez Ventura, Jaime Edwin. 2021. “Treatment of the Specialty Principle (lex Especialis Derogat Legi Generali) and the Preventive Regime of Antinomies in the Administrative Procedures Law”. Revista Derecho 5 (1):143-83.