Right to water in El Salvador: progress and challenges then its jurisprudential recognition as fundamental right


  • José Miguel Vásquez López Universidad de El Salvador


Right to Water, Human Rights, Right to the Environment, Constitutional, Chamber, General Waters Act, International Water Law, Río Paz


This article aims to analyze the new scenarios that progress the Right to Water in El Salvador develops. This is necessary to highlight the idea of this Right has a close relationship with the Healthy Environment Right, which is its genesis; therefore, different meeting points are identified from the jurisprudential analysis, proposals for general waters Act, government plans and strategies, and the issue of transboundary waters. Finally, the article addresses the case specifically of Río Paz pollution in Chalchuapa, Department of Santa Ana, in relation to molasses spill occurred in Ingenio La Magdalena in May 2016.


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Author Biography

José Miguel Vásquez López, Universidad de El Salvador

Degree in Legal Sciences, graduated from the University of El Salvador; He is also a Master and Doctor of Law from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​being the subject of his Doctoral thesis: "The Recognition of the Human Right to Water in the international order and in El Salvador"; He is a lawyer and notary, and has been a professor at the Faculty of Jurisprudence and Social Sciences of the University of El Salvador for eleven years, in the courses of Principles of Philosophy and Legal Ethics. He has worked for the AGUA Project of CARE INTERNACIONAL, and in the ANDA / KFW Water Project. In addition, he has written articles related to the topic of the Right to Water ”. He currently works as a member of the Higher University Council of the University of El Salvador.


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How to Cite

Vásquez López, José Miguel. 2016. “Right to Water in El Salvador: Progress and Challenges Then Its Jurisprudential Recognition As Fundamental Right”. Revista Derecho 2 (1):17-44. https://revistas.ues.edu.sv/index.php/revder/article/view/2060.