About the Journal


ISSN online: 3005-5954
Print ISSN: 3005-5946

Focus and Scope

The Journal Salud Integral of the University of El Salvador (UES) is managed by the Master's Program of the School of Medicine. The journal is available to the scientific community, academia and clinical decision makers, managers and students in the health sciences of the University of El Salvador and other national and foreign institutions, as well as professionals from other disciplines, both nationally.

Manuscripts are accepted in the field of health sciences, public health, epidemiology, environmental health, social medicine and medical, dental and other specialties in the field of health. It is also available to researchers from UES and other national and foreign institutions who wish to publish original and unpublished scientific articles in the area of health sciences and related branches; it is free and open access to readers.

Articles are submitted to double-blind peer review. A researcher selected by the Editorial Board or by the Editor-in-Chief will be invited to write the editorial page.

To become an instrument of scientific communication of unpublished articles that contributes to decision-making based on scientific evidence, to internationalize knowledge and to promote academic discussion among researchers.

It has a semiannual periodicity, with two issues published annually, corresponding to the periods January - June and July - December.

There is a commitment to the indexing of the journal beyond the regional level; this effort is part of the project for the Strengthening of Scientific Journals of the University of El Salvador.


The ideas and opinions contained in the papers and articles are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily express the point of view of the Universidad de El Salvador.

Revista Salud Integral del programa de posgrado de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de El Salvador. Ciudad Universitaria "Dr. Fabio Castillo Figueroa", Final de Av. Mártires y Héroes del 30 julio, San Salvador, El Salvador, Central America.