Competencias digitales docentes y transformación digital educativa


  • Karina Marisol Guardado de Castillo Universidad de El Salvador


Digital competences, Digital transformation, Digital technologies, Digital competence frameworks


This article presents an analysis of the application of digital skills for digital transformation, with emphasis on the educational field and based on the scientific literature consulted. The article focuses on the study of some international models of digital competence that incorporate a proposal of different digital competences distributed in sections with certain characteristics and levels of mastery of digital technologies, as well as instruments that facilitate the teacher to carry out a self-assessment. to measure the level of progression in the development of digital skills in their academic work. In addition, a review of the scientific literature that refers to the topic of digital transformation, its definition and elements that contribute to its achievement is carried out. As a result of this research, it has been found that digital transformation and innovation are digital skills, considered at the highest levels of mastery of digital technologies and that therefore there is a relationship between digital skills and digital transformation, where institutional support is essential to successfully reduce the digital divide and contribute to the democratization of education from a perspective of equal opportunities, by providing technologies but also support tools in terms of continuous and permanent training as well as providing a legal framework that supports and strengthens these processes in which technologies play an essential role


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How to Cite

Guardado de Castillo, K. M. (2023). Competencias digitales docentes y transformación digital educativa. La Universidad, 3(2), 5–28. Retrieved from