Exploring psychoenvironmental attitudes in water conservation



Environmental Psychology, psychoenvironmental attitudes, environment, hybrid resources


In El Salvador, despite the water crisis, there are communities that enjoy access to water without restriction, this is the case of the El Potrerito hamlet in the Colima community. Some members of the community are not aware of the water crisis that the country is suff ering, thanks to the abundance of this resource. That is why the general objective of this research is to explore the psycho-environmental attitudes in water conservation presented in inhabitants of the Colima community, in the municipality of Suchitoto, department of Cuscatlán. The justifi cation of this research is framed in the execution of the “FUTURA AGUA” project where countries such as Nicaragua, Guatemala and El Salvador are involved. This research aims to change negative attitudes and strengthen positive attitudes through a psychological intervention program based on the Community Social Psychology model: Participatory Action. The methodology used was the selective extraction of the results of the interviews carried out in the fi rst visit to the Colima community, as students of the master’s degree and as part of the “FUTURE AGUA” project in April 2019. The sample was 40 people selected by convenience of both sexes, whose ages are between 18 and 70 years. The results of this interview are found in the database of the University of El Salvador, among the relevant results a high index of positive psycho-environmental attitudes and low actions in favor of water resources were identifi ed, therefore, there is a discrepancy between attitudes and actions.


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How to Cite

González Nolasco, T. K. (2024). Exploring psychoenvironmental attitudes in water conservation. La Universidad, 4(4), 66–88. Retrieved from https://revistas.ues.edu.sv/index.php/launiversidad/article/view/2910