Spatial reconfiguration of capitalism in the face of the rise of China and Asia



Historical-spatial transition of the world system, China, Asia, hegemonic crisis, capitalism


Over the past decades, the global system has witnessed a spatial reconfiguration of capitalism. For the first time, capital accumulation moves to the periphery, marking a milestone in history, geopolitics and the world economy. The growing crisis of American hegemony has led to a historical-spatial transition of the world system that results in the reappearance of a multipolar world with China and Asia at the helm. It should be noted that the Renminbi Yuan (CNY), the Chinese national currency, gained notoriety by setting new asset highs against the other currencies that make up the Special Drawing Rights SDR (Special Drawing Rights SDR) within the International Monetary Fund, showing a good performance with better behavior since the start of the pandemic in the first quarter of 2020. The renminbi yuan is emerging as a main currency and leaving aside the image of an emerging currency demonstrating progressive internationalization, which has allowed China to enter increasingly in global trade transactions, with CNY being commonly used in the invoicing of payments for services and goods. This translates into a macroeconomic adjustment in the Chinese nation, which promotes the stabilization of the monetary imbalance of the other currencies that currently make up the Special Drawing Rights.


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Author Biography

José Moisés Alfaro Alvarado

Universidad de El Salvador


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How to Cite

Alfaro Alvarado, J. M. (2024). Spatial reconfiguration of capitalism in the face of the rise of China and Asia. La Universidad, 5(3), 63–80. Retrieved from