The historic configuration of international law


  • Jimmy Ricardo Alvarado Hernández Universidad Evangélica de El Salvador


Westphalia, First World War, League of Nations, Second World War, United Nations, International Law, Thirty Years' War


History and its political, economical and social processes, marks a before and an after, they must be of interest to society because they represent a slight or radical change. For this essay, history is the main player that changes the international order, the processes of war in Europe began since 1517 with Martin Luther, considered as the starting point of the wars. In the beginning it was due to religion, but afterwards it moved towards the struggle for trade and territories until its ending with the Peace of Westphalia that determines the principles of the international order that still persist nowadays. Wars despite being the most violent and tragic method of conflict resolution it left something good, and that’s how the so called “Great War” gave birth to League of Nations that by the time was somewhat inconceivable because there had never been a supra-stately entity that could compared to it, in the same context, organizations, sovereignty, self-determination, the importance of international peace, all fruits of “The Great War” and even though such peace was not lasting, it served as a fundamental basis for the birth of the United Nations entity of public international law whose purpose is to preserve international peace and security, either voluntarily or by being coerced.


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Author Biography

Jimmy Ricardo Alvarado Hernández, Universidad Evangélica de El Salvador

Student Graduated from the Bachelor's Degree in International Relations and Business from the Evangelical University of El Salvador, in addition to having diplomas in areas of Foreign Trade, Public Policies, Project Management, Immigration Law, State Security, Geopolitics, Diploma in International Relations that It was taught by the Fundación Internacionalista de Bolivia, among others. Interests in the fields of research in: Public International Law, National, foreign and international politics.


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How to Cite

Alvarado Hernández, Jimmy Ricardo. 2021. “The Historic Configuration of International Law”. Revista Relaciones Internacionales 3 (1):157-77.