Artificial intelligence as a model ethical tool in the governance of emerging Smart Cities



Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, Governance, Smart cities


As times have evolved, so has technology, whose purpose is to facilitate the development and lives of people, increasingly integrated with computers as society becomes more digital. From the beginning of the 21st century to the present day, technological advances have taken giant leaps. In retrospect, it was not long from 1989, when the Internet was introduced to the world, to the present day when the applicability of artificial intelligence in many aspects of human life and development began to be analyzed and tested. In the present academic article it is exposed, by means of an analysis of bibliographic compilation of diverse articles and investigations about artificial intelligence (AI) in different contexts, where artificial intelligence possesses the capacity not only to enhance research, but also to be a tool for the administration of a city, for the creation of public policies, development projects, and urban planning, as well as the viability of these and their forms or processes of integration in a political-social scope of governance. Or, as a double-edged sword, it can be a proliferator of innumerable problems. What has been concluded is that, for the sake of healthy progress and human development, a "middle ground" should be sought regarding the issue of AIs and, ultimately, they should have an exclusively tool function, just as a simple hammer can be, for humanity itself to use responsibly and ethically for its own benefit and future development. It is not a replacement, it is just another tool.


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Author Biography

Diego Alejandro Urbina Barrera, University of El Salvador

Estudiante de la Licenciatura en Relaciones Internacionales en la Facultad de Jurisprudencia y Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de El Salvador. Con diplomaturas en Desarrollo Sostenible y Formación Política en los ODS Agenda 2030; y en Diplomacia Cultural como nueva herramienta de la Diplomacia Pública. Con un amplio interés de investigación en áreas de Cooperación Multilateral al Desarrollo, Creación de Políticas Públicas, y Geopolítica de las Américas y China.


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How to Cite

Urbina Barrera, Diego Alejandro. 2023. “Artificial Intelligence As a Model Ethical Tool in the Governance of Emerging Smart Cities”. Revista Relaciones Internacionales 5 (1):69-90.