Preliminary notes for a definition of politics and political science



Politics, Dimensions of politics, Activity, Discipline, Social conflict, Political science


The use of the term politics is very popular in the everyday lexicon, it appears in hallway conversations, in national and international news, as well as in multiple spheres of daily life; likewise, it is present in academic conversations, for example, in university hallways, in congresses, even in talks that are apparently unrelated to politics. This proves that the term is commonly used, and its meanings vary according to the context in which it is mentioned.

The present study accounts for the polarity of the term politics, associating it mainly with an activity, which is studied by a discipline with a view to scientificity: political science. The exploration of the term inevitably leads to the not easy task of defining what politics is, which in turn leads to the unraveling of other relevant factors, such as the dimensions of politics, the relations with other disciplines and the social relevance of such activity.

The work aims to give a better understanding of the term, knowing that it is commonly used in the most everyday occasions. For this purpose, a review of different texts on political science is made, many of which make a historical exploration of the term and try to explain the origin of the activity and of the science that studies it, thus making it possible to consider different definitions of politics as an activity and of political science as a discipline that studies politics.


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Author Biography

Alfredo Josué Ortez Canales, University of El Salvador

Docente del Departamento de Psicología, en la cátedra de Filosofía General, y en el Departamento de Filosofía, en la cátedra de Lógica General. Entre sus publicaciones se pueden encontrar Reflexiones acerca de la filosofía latinoamericana: concreción e historicidad (2020) y Anotaciones para una definición de Universidad según el Dr. Fabio Castillo Figueroa (2022). La primera de ellas en Solar, Revista Iberoamericana de Filosofía Iberoamericana de la Universidad Científica del Sur, Perú; y el segundo en Conjeturas Sociológicas de la Facultad Multidisciplinaria de Oriente de la Universidad de El Salvador. Además, ha publicado artículos de opinión en tópicos relacionados al pensamiento salvadoreño y pensamiento universitario en el Suplemento Cultural 3000 del Diario Co Latino.


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How to Cite

Ortez Canales, Alfredo Josué. 2023. “Preliminary Notes for a Definition of Politics and Political Science”. Revista Relaciones Internacionales 5 (1):19-42.