Reflections on the revision in civil and commercial matters . Is it a means of challenge or an autonomous process?
Review, Procedural Law, Civil and Commercial Procedure Code, Unfair Sentence, Unimpugnable, Autonomous Pretension, Extraordinary Resources, New ProcessAbstract
The legal nature of the review doesn´t find yet a happy ending in the procedural doctrine therefore this article proposes an eclectic position for its vision in different procedural laws regulated as a legal institution. It is undeniable there are coincidences between the Review and the resources that has led to resemble them or to consider that as within of the extraordinary resources in certain cases, but the differences are such that it has imposed the opinion is about a new process, except in cases provided by law, it may not be invoked by litigants, being this what it shares with the extraordinary resources. It has a rooted exceptionality in a sentence which has become final after having been deducted ordinary and extraordinary against it or if resources have let time go without using them, but the sentence ceases to be unfair as it is contrary to Law.
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