Procedural legality in the CPCM of El Salvador: a comprehensive look towards a flexible judicial process
Justice, Procedural legality, Case management, Litigation, Conflicts, Self-composed conflict mechanismsAbstract
The article analyzes how procedural legality is received in the Civil and Commercial Procedure Code of El Salvador, in order to problematize and present possible rereadings of the same that allow promoting the realization of the central objectives of the justice system. In particular, the control and proper management of conflict and litigation. The research was carried out through an eminently theoretical approach based on documents. The findings determine that, although the CPCM has several interesting points for the civil justice reform process in Latin America, procedural legality seems to be a point to review or discuss given the rigidity with which it has been conceived and the contradictions it shows. These factors make it difficult to introduce the necessary legal tools for a better treatment of cases. Among them, the idea of flexible and dynamic resolution mechanisms, case management and organizational transformation and its management model.
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