ICT as a means for new crimes against women
ICT, LEIV, gender violence, cybercrime, legislation, discrimination, harassment, legal assetsAbstract
This article focuses on crimes that have been facilitated due to technological advances, especially those that use Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to affect the legally protected right to a life free of violence for women. To address this, the current regulations governing behaviors related to the infringement of this right have been reviewed. Currently, continuous violations of women's rights persist, and the situation is alarming because violence is no longer confined to domestic or community settings but also spreads through the use of various electronic means, giving rise to new forms of violence against women that undermine their dignity, integrity, and freedom. Within the Salvadoran legal framework, there are different regulatory bodies such as the Penal Code, the Special Law for a Life Free of Violence for Women, which was subsequently strengthened with the introduction of the Special Law Against Computer Crimes to specifically address and punish the types of violence that affect women in all spaces, including the cyber realm. This intersection between criminal legislation and gender protection demonstrates a comprehensive approach to addressing the issue but may not be sufficient. These legal provisions conduct a thorough analysis of the conditions that must be met to constitute a crime that affects the protected legal right. Thus, they aim to ensure that women can live without the fear of any type of violence, including physical, psychological, emotional, symbolic, economic, patrimonial, sexual, femicidal, and even violence exercised through electronic means, and that their rights are respected in all areas of society. It is essential to emphasize that the fight against cybercrime and gender-based violence is a global effort. International cooperation and agreements signed by our country are crucial to ensuring gender equality and eradicating violence against women worldwide.
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