Probability of hypertension or diabetes in men and women
alcoholism and smoking. Canton Los Elizondos, Santa Ana. 2019
Enfermedades crónicas, AdiccionesAbstract
The probability of hypertension or diabetes mellitus in men and women: alcoholism and tobacco smoking, Canton Los Elizondos, Santa Ana, 2019. From the condition of thesis advisor, this article was made according to the thesis student. The objective was: to determine the population with chronic non-communicable diseases (NCD) and the probabilities that men and women suffer from hypertension and diabetes mellitus, with the risk of alcohol and tobacco consumption in Canton Los Elizondos, Department of Santa Ana. The population was adults of both sexes diagnosed with chronic non-communicable diseases (NCD). Methodologically, it is a descriptive and cross-sectional study with a standardized instrument, making a modification of the STEPS instrument recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) to collect data and measure the risk factors of chronic diseases; also, the blood pressure of the population under study was taken, based on this, the probability of hypertension or diabetes mellitus and the risk factors of alcoholism and tobacco consumption were established. The results show a higher risk of suffering from arterial hypertension and diabetes in women than in men, and a higher risk for alcohol and tobacco consumption in men than in women. The measures aimed at improving the pathological conditions and risk behaviors studied should focus on the healthy population, as an effective form of risk prevention, without neglecting the sick population minority.
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