Una mirada a la producción científica de la Universidad de El Salvador en el quinquenio 2009-2013


  • Rafael Antonio Gómez Escoto Universidad de El Salvador


Investigación, Universidad de El Salvador


This article reports on the current state of scientific production from the University of El Salvador. The consídered period corresponds to the five-year period from 2009 to 2013, included in the SCimago Institutions Rankings (SIR) report, published in 2015 by CSimago Reseach Group. In this paper we describe and analyze the report's indicators for the Central American region and for the country, from the perspective of the University of El Salvador. The analysis of the situation raises unpromising conditions to promote scientific research both in the country context and in the particular case of the University of El Salvador, and it concludes by suggesting some strategic actions to take into account in order to change the current state of situation.


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How to Cite

Una mirada a la producción científica de la Universidad de El Salvador en el quinquenio 2009-2013. (2022). La Universidad, 10(33-34), 67-81. https://revistas.ues.edu.sv/index.php/launiversidad/article/view/2333