Conductividad eléctrica lineal por nano partículas de átomos de hierro extraídos del grupo hem generando campos electromagnéticos gravitatorios sin uso de cables


  • Antonio Vásquez Hidalgo Universidad de El Salvador


Hemoglobina, Conductividad eléctrica, Hierro, Iones


The objective of this paper is to demonstrate the electrical conductivity with nano particles of iron atoms without using cables. A hem group containing iron atoms was used in a 0.3 ml aliquot poured into a Petri dish on a circuit board, brought to alkaline conditions using chemical reagents and alternating current to produce an electromagnetic field. It was mixed with ions that facilitate electrical conductivity as well as treat hemoglo- L'in with humectants as insulating results. An electrical conductivity in microvolts was found for 24 h sustained by means of a light detector device that measures the light intensity of the charge conductivity of the ions at alkaline pH, the iodine and humectant facilitates the permanence and the continuity of the charges On average 5 to 8 mv in the whole field anea, demonstrating the electrical conductivity of the phenomenon. As a conclusion, the iron atoms of the hem group are able to transmit electricity in microvolts to a constant flow of energy without using cables. It can be very useful in the field of electronic engineering as a biodegradable, non-polluting electricity conductor


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How to Cite

Conductividad eléctrica lineal por nano partículas de átomos de hierro extraídos del grupo hem generando campos electromagnéticos gravitatorios sin uso de cables. (2022). La Universidad, 10(33-34), 83-99.