Factores que influyen en la subsistencia de las MyPES en El Salvador ante la recuperación económica del periodo post-pandemia 2022
Latin American economy, MyPES, , Staring ope, Managementrations, Public policies, Effective supportAbstract
The Latin American economy has deteriorated in recent years, and El Salvador is included in that same situation, where citizens are most affected; where its labor market is increasingly reduced, generating an increase in unemployment and with this aggravating other social phenomena such as crime, family disintegration and migration. It is in this scenario where the boom of MyPES is mitigated by the number of businesses that fail to survive after a year of starting operations, mostly due to the lack of application of knowledge regarding the management of their finances, given that the government has not yet implemented public policies capable of providing them with effective support, since the performance of MyPES is analyzed as well as their characteristics and shortcomings in the national market.
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