Diferencias del cerebro humano bajo el punto de vista de género. un meta-análisis
Gender, Male and female, Cognitive, LinguisticAbstract
The objective of the study is to determine differences in the human brain between male and female gender. Methodology. An anonymous questionnaire consisting of 25 closed and open questions was passed to two sample groups of 100 male and 100 female, simple stratified sampling was done, with a significance level of 95 % and an estimation error of 0.05 %. Areas were explored: cognitive and linguistic. Microsoft Excel 2016 and SPSS 10 were used. Results. From the sample, a Chi square was 17.465 GL 21 p = 0.682566 with a p is greater than 0.05, it means the variables are independent, they are not related to each other but they interact, OR is equal to 2.5, therefore it indicates there is an association between the variables and indicates 2.5 times greater to have a match than those that do not. The Kappa Cohefficient was 0.062 indicates the variability agreement strength is slight, but there is an interobserver disagreement due to random causes. MANNWHITNEY U test for two groups of independent samples was U value 289.5 and Z -0.43656 and p = 0.65994 indicates the results are not statistically significant in their variation. The Pearson correlation in the coincidences, if it has a value of 0.80721, it means there is a high positive correlation between the variables. If we calculate the standard deviation, its result is 4.09, that is, 97 out of 100 will surely agree with the results. It is concluded that 90% of both genders coincide in the results and 10% do not coincide in the logic, self-esteem and pornography. The predominant hemisphere is the left in both. The human brain has no gender
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