Unhealthiness and overcrowding in inns:

El Salvador 1917-1965





housing, hygiene, inn, memory, overcrowding


The issue of housing in San Salvador has been persistently discussed since the first decades of the 20th century; refer to it, through the newspapers of the middle of that century a recurring theme is identified, that of the deplorable conditions in which the subaltern classes lived, the workers and, why not say it, a certain sector of the incipient middle classes. Given that the housing supply for these sectors –during said period– was practically abandoned by the State, it was private initiative that met the demand, through practical solutions such as inns. Through the memories of the people who lived there, the living conditions in those spaces can be identified. And although unhealthiness and overcrowding were present, for many of them that was part of their daily lives without being identified as inadequate or negative. One way to identify the real conditions in which people lived in the inns is through memories and memory.


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How to Cite

Unhealthiness and overcrowding in inns:: El Salvador 1917-1965. (2024). La Universidad, 49-70. https://doi.org/10.5281/