Transformation and loss of identity of the clay pottery culture in Ilobasco from the end of the 20th century to the present




artisans, ceramics, clay, cultural identity, Ilobasco, transformation


The production of clay ceramic pieces has long been a heritage asset in the city of Ilobasco in El Salvador. The ceramic culture in Ilobasco dates back to pre-Hispanic times, a time from which the knowledge for the manufacture of homemade clothing such as pots, griddles, wells and jugs was transmitted. In the last decades of the 20th century there was a significant change in that production. Not only kitchen utensils were produced, but toys and clay piggy banks for fairs, figures for Christmas nativity scenes, but above all figures and decorative products and for tourism were marketed more. Thus, ceramic production for home use in the kitchen was completely displaced. From these changes there were new market demands, some artisans organized themselves into associations for the transmission of new and traditional knowledge in order to maintain tradition in the new, but this matter has been uphill.


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Author Biography

  • Gloria Carolina Martínez Arce

    University of El Salvador


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How to Cite

Transformation and loss of identity of the clay pottery culture in Ilobasco from the end of the 20th century to the present. (2024). La Universidad, 95-108.