Digital literacy as an innovative experience in the school context:
strengthening peasant identity
digital literacy, educational innovation, ICT, pedagogical practice, rural areaAbstract
This study involved a review of the literature contained in the Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (BDTD), available in Portuguese from January 2018 to September 20, 2023, discussing the topic of digital literacy in the context of rural schools, ensuring the strengthening of peasant identity. It is understood that the social context has undergone transformations due to digital technologies that are part of the experiences lived by individuals who, by using these technologies, seek to achieve their goals in various contexts. This also creates opportunities for strengthening autonomy in everyday activities, among other benefits. Thus, when analyzing digital literacy in rural schools, it is considered that it is not the digital technologies themselves, but what people do with them in that specific social and historical context. The aim is to understand school pedagogical practices as innovative experiences, leading to the choice of a qualitative research paradigm and bibliographic research of the State of Knowledge for the development of this work. The analyses showed a general recognition of the importance of digital literacy and its definition as a critical, reflective, and autonomous social practice amidst digital culture. It also revealed that digital literacy as a means to strengthen peasant identity needs to be further developed to expand the training possibilities for the peasant subject.
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