About the Journal


Definition of magazine

La Universidad Magazine, published by the University of El Salvador, is a Scientific-Sociocultural and Multidisciplinary Organization, which was founded in 1875 under the direction of Dr. Esteban Castro. The emergence of this magazine is based on the Alma Mater's need to disseminate the scientific work of the university community, the intellectuals and artists of the region, establishing itself as the first editorial product in the country.


Contribute to the establishment of a scientific culture that generates academic and critical dialogues about the Salvadoran, Central American and Latin American reality to form a national and international intellectual network.

Achieve reciprocal collaboration between the University of El Salvador and the national and international intellectual community in order to disseminate the knowledge produced in our magazine.


The purpose of La Universidad Magazine is the editing, publication, and dissemination of knowledge produced by the academic community and the advancement of science. Likewise, it pursues academic exchange with researchers from other universities and countries, engaged in the investigation of the processes associated with such topics.


The periodicity of La Universidad Magazine is quarterly, that is, it is divided into 4 issues: January – March; April June; July September; October – December, each of them composed of at least 5 articles.


Researchers, students, professionals in any of the social sciences and interested general public.

Open access policy

The University Magazine joins the Budapest Open Access Initiative (Budapest Open Access Initiative - 2001) since the published materials are available for free online, so any user can read, download, copy, distribute, print and use the materials for any legal purpose without financial, legal or technical barriers under the Creative Commons CC BY NC SA 4.0 license https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/

Copyright Notice

All articles, essays and book reviews published in La Universidad Magazine retain their authorship rights, so that authors can: upload their work on their website or in an institutional repository, use a copy of their work to distribute among its academic circles and the uses that the author deems appropriate. The author is the only one who owns the publication rights, under the CC BY NC SA 4.0 license https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 and the magazine only owns the distribution rights.

Copyright and licenses

The academic and scientific texts published in La Universidad Magazine are protected under the CC BY NC SA 4.0 license, also known as "permissive" or "minimalist", these licenses authorize the free distribution and modification of the original work, they also allow Derivative works may introduce certain restrictions (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/). The author is the only one who owns the publication rights and La Universidad Magazine owns the distribution rights.

Sponsorship declaration

The magazine does not make any financial charge for receiving, processing or publishing articles, this guarantees the free editorial process.

Privacy statement

The names and email addresses entered in this magazine will be used exclusively for the purposes stated therein and will not be provided to third parties or for use for other purposes.

Repository policy

La Universidad Magazine is committed to the conservation and preservation of its articles, in such a way that our website https://revistas.ues.edu.sv/index.php/launiversidad is developed in the open source program to manage and publish academic and scientific journals online, Open Journal Systems (OJS), developed by the Public Knowlede Project (PKP) whose initiative is to make public research results available for free, through Open Access, with the contribution of the LOCKSS software that aims for long-term digital preservation.

La Universidad Magazine, in accordance with the Open Access initiative, makes the metadata of its articles available, in such a way that the collection of content is allowed for inclusion in any other digital file.