Preventive services and care for women and children of the Ministry of Health in times of emergency by COVID-19

the perspective of students in social service of Maternal and Child Health. November 2020


  • Claudia Elícida Alvarado Jovel Universidad de El Salvador


Pandemic, Services, Perspective, maternal and child health


During the COVID-19 pandemic, one of the measures implemented in El Salvador was the suspension of the external consultation of all health services, this implied that child care services and women in sexual and reproductive health were not will be provided on a regular basis. The stated objective of this study is: to analyze, from the perspective of the professionals in the maternal and child health social service, the experience of the COVID-19 pandemic regarding their training/labor functions. Methodologically, it is an essay based on the experiences lived by the graduates of the Bachelor’s Degree in Maternal and Child Health in social service who served as key informants in relation to the various dynamics carried out in some Community Family Health Units regarding the functions that continued to be provided. in a limited or null way, trying to take the pertinent measures in the face of the pandemic in some health institutions, but in others, the services were suspended either partially or completely, which implied, for the informants of this study, to develop functions that does not correspond to their academic training profiles, thus being a valuable underutilized health resource. Also, it is important to highlight the lack of a work guideline in times of crisis, international organizations such as UNFPA and UNICEF affirm the need for continuity in child care and sexual and reproductive health care due to the impact they generate in the lives of people and not leave the population without these services.  


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How to Cite

Alvarado Jovel, C. E. (2022). Preventive services and care for women and children of the Ministry of Health in times of emergency by COVID-19: the perspective of students in social service of Maternal and Child Health. November 2020. La Universidad, 2(2), 10–23. Retrieved from