Power and revolutionary struggles in El Salvador

challenges and current challenges


  • Marlon Javier López Universidad de El Salvador


Power, Subjectivity, Subjectivation, Antagonism, Resistance, Emancipation


This document was presented as a presentation at the «First Central American and Caribbean Congress on Critical Thinking», held from December 3 to 5, 2020. It discusses the nature of capitalist power and domination today and its relevance to analyze contemporary politics, especially in El Salvador. A critical reflection of the theoretical approaches of Foucault or Judith Butler is developed, referring to the limitations imposed by their presence in the strategy defined by contemporary left movements. The document concludes with some proposals aimed at revitalizing an approach to genuine and radical political change.


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How to Cite

López, M. J. (2022). Power and revolutionary struggles in El Salvador: challenges and current challenges. La Universidad, 3(1), 23–36. Retrieved from https://revistas.ues.edu.sv/index.php/launiversidad/article/view/2460