Cain against Abel

from the failure of the Central America Federal Republic to the formation of national states


  • Luis Antonio Tobar Quintero Universidad de El Salvador


Federal republic, Region, Liberals, Conservatives, National state, Literature, Modernism


The formation of the Federal Republic of Central America continues to cause debates within the academic sphere, the difficult political situation of the time, inherited from the colony, continued to be a weak point for the federal authorities. The division into two factions of powerful conservative and liberal elites, unleashed a wave of internal wars to impose their vision, this caused by 1840 that the attempt to hold the region together was practically impossible, which led to the formation of each of the Nation states. Therefore, the objective of this article is to make an analysis of the problem of the constitution of the “Federal Republic”, taking into account the power dispute between liberals and conservatives, which promoted the formation of national states through the consolidation of the agro-export model based on coffee production and the emergence of intellectuals with a strong influence of literary modernism. The subject under study will be approached from political history and political sociology.


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How to Cite

Tobar Quintero, L. A. (2022). Cain against Abel: from the failure of the Central America Federal Republic to the formation of national states. La Universidad, 3(1), 1–22. Retrieved from