La cooperación científica para la asesoría de tesistas del posgrado en la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas, UNAN-LEÓN



Thesis tutoring, Scientific cooperation, Tutorial guidance, Postgraduate


In the context of a doctoral internship carried out at the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León, this study had as its objective: to determine the meaning that teachers give to scientific cooperation for the tutorial orientation of the thesis students’ research. postgraduate in the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the aforementioned university, with this it will also be possible to have indications of the extent to which scientific cooperation is exercised for tutorial orientation in this study center. Three research centers with postgraduate programs where training of various master’s degrees and doctorates are carried out were chosen. This choice was the product of the management carried out by the teachers of the Faculty of Medical Sciences UNAN-León assigned as tutors of the intern. The aforementioned research centers are: 1. Research in Occupational Health and the Environment; 2. Research on Demography and Health, and 3. Research on Infectious Diseases. The methodological approach of the research carried out was hermeneutic phenomenological, through which it was possible to arrive, from the teaching experience, at the meaning of scientific cooperation for the tutorial orientation of the postgraduate theses, which, from their own experiences, the advisors perceive it. as a process where: The initial idea of the thesis study is from the advisor, the thesis student or the faculty (of all), is adopted by the advisor and admits it as his own responsibility. The thesis student, on the other hand, assumes and receives from the advisor indications of the operations to be carried out and the motivation to achieve his mission, the thesis student must show vehemently, academic interest in order to maintain further support from the advisor until the defense of the thesis and tangentially from other professors of the faculty, finally the advisors subsume, as tutors, the thesis student’s achievement as their own


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How to Cite

Mazariego López, E. (2023). La cooperación científica para la asesoría de tesistas del posgrado en la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas, UNAN-LEÓN. La Universidad, 3(3 y 4), 409–429. Retrieved from