Archive of the memory of the Revolutionary University Forces July 30 (FUR 30) and the Network of Exmilitants as a documentary source to promote restorative justice



collective memory, student movement, memory archive, transitional justice


This text is about the organization process of the Memory Archive of the FUR 30 de Julio, a student organization of the Universidad Centroamericana “José Simeón Cañas” (UCA), which was founded in 1974 and ceased to exist in 1980; Its creation and actions occurred within the framework of the revolutionary movement in El Salvador in the second half of the 1970s. The archive was organized between 2017 and 2022 by the initiative of former members of the FUR, reorganized into the Network of former FUR militants. 30, to preserve the memory of that student movement, promote transitional justice processes in the cases of students who died in those years and in the civil war, and place it at the service of consultation for the purposes of social scientific research. This archive is made up of two documentary collections, and together they constitute approximately three thousand five hundred simple and composite units.


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Author Biographies

Irma Serrano

Exmilitante del FUR 30 de julio, integrante de la Red de Exmilitantes del FUR 30, con estudios en Antropología Social

Eugenia López Velásquez, Universidad de El Salvador

Historiadora con doctorado en Ciencias Sociales, docente e investigadora



Fuentes Bibliográficas

La Memoria, la historia y el olvido Paul Ricoeur

historia-el-olvido-LAV.pdf .

A la paz solo por la verdad (3) Informe del XI Tribunal Internacional para la Aplicación de la Justicia Restaurativa en El Salvador 2019 José Ramón Juániz Maya (relator y compilador) obra propia, Valencia, España. Libro en espera de ser publicado.

Ley de Amnistía General para la Consolidación de la Paz, decreto DE AMNISTIA N.º 486 de fecha 20 de marzo de 1993 y publicado el 22 de marzo de 1993 fileadmin/Documentos/BDL/2002/1841.pdf

Decreto de Inconstitucionalidad por vicio de forma y de contenido de la Ley de Amnistía General para la consolidación de la paz.

El Salvador 44-2013/145-2013 Inconstitucionalidad

Acuerdos de Chapultepec, capítulo VI. Participación política del FMLN

organizaciones/fmln/1992/ene/16/ac uerdosdepaz/06.htm

Al informe de la comisión de la verdad le hizo falta más carne. Entrevista radial




How to Cite

Serrano, I., & López Velásquez, E. (2024). Archive of the memory of the Revolutionary University Forces July 30 (FUR 30) and the Network of Exmilitants as a documentary source to promote restorative justice. La Universidad, 4(3), 89–110. Retrieved from