Transdiscipline, environmental education and community development sustainable



Education, environment,, ransdisciplinary


This article shows the importance of raising the level of updating the knowledge of teachers, researchers, community activists and other social actors, based on transdisciplinary theoretical and methodological advances. Among its objectives is to promote transdisciplinary teamwork among all social actors directly or indirectly involved in environmental education. From this perspective, the aim is to dynamize the exchange and articulation of knowledge and experiences, information management and theoretical-methodological and practical consensus, in order to guarantee the sustainability of university extension services to contribute to the solution of complex environmental problems in the most vulnerable communities in the region, state or territory that is the object of the research. At the same time, the work suggests a comprehensive diagnosis of the real situation of environmental education in the selected scenarios, its impacts and transformation measures in the following dimensions: socio-economic, axiological, health, organizational, educational, cultural, sports, recreational and ecological, in order to generate practical and applicable answers for the promotion of public policies and strategies, as well as entrepreneurial self-organization processes in the most vulnerable communities, aimed at guaranteeing their sustainable human development. Finally, the work is aimed at promoting scientifi c-technological development, through its endogenous adaptation to the communities, to minimize the impacts on the biosphere and human health of pollution generated by the processes of production and consumption of goods and services.


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How to Cite

Martínez Álvarez, F. F. (2024). Transdiscipline, environmental education and community development sustainable. La Universidad, 4(4), 7–21. Retrieved from