Accountability processes within the framework of the Labor Mobility Program H-2 Visas



accountability, transparency, ownership, stakeholders, labor mobility.


This article allows us to know the dimensions, motivations, mechanisms and utilities of the accountability processes within the framework of the Economic Competitiveness Project of El Salvador (USAID), case study: Labor Mobility Program H-2. Strategic and functional motivations as well as vertical upward and horizontal inward and outward dimensions are considered important in the context of accountability for the case under study. To corroborate this assertion, the referential framework on the issue of accountability in these senses is reviewed, in the same way a documentary research is carried out about the case study, information that is contrasted and discussed against the data obtained through interviews with persons of interest involved in the implementation of the H-2 Visa Labor Mobility Program; resulting of a core nature for the Program, the strategic and functional motivations of accountability and allowing to acquire conditions of appropriation and sustainability in its development


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Author Biography

Heraldo Enoc Alfonso Beltrán, Universidad de El Salvador

Independient investigator


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How to Cite

Alfonso Beltrán, H. E. (2024). Accountability processes within the framework of the Labor Mobility Program H-2 Visas. La Universidad, 5(2), 20–44. Retrieved from