Beyond Method

Reflections on the Intellectual Adventure of Paul Feyerabend



Paul Feyerabend, epistemological anarchis, scientific diversity, critical reflection, scientific truth


The article aims to explore the thought of Paul Feyerabend, with an emphasis on his concept of epistemological anarchism and its impact on the traditional conception of science. It addresses the fundamental question of the nature of scientific knowledge and its relationship with absolute truth. Through a reflective and critical approach, it analyzes how Feyerabend challenges the established structures of science, questioning the existence of a single scientific method and advocating for diversity of approaches and methodologies in research. The importance of being open to new perspectives and horizons of thought is emphasized, as well as recognizing the inherent complexity in the pursuit of knowledge. In this regard, it invites reflection on the need to maintain an open mind in the exploration of knowledge, without falling into the mediocrity of what is accepted by all in a linear, hegemonic, and unfiltered manner


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Author Biography

José Alonso Andrade Salazar

Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, UNIMINUTO


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How to Cite

Andrade Salazar, J. A. (2024). Beyond Method: Reflections on the Intellectual Adventure of Paul Feyerabend. La Universidad, 5(3), 94–111. Retrieved from