Code of ethics

La Universidad Magazine is guided by the ethical criteria infused by the published COPE regulation, available at


Author Responsibilities

1. At the time of submitting the articles, the authors must declare, through a sworn letter, that they accept the publication guidelines of La Universidad magazine and that they agree with the procedure for the selection and editing of articles, essays and book reviews. established by the magazine.

2. Authors who choose to publish their texts in the journal must refrain from sending them to other journals, in order to avoid duplication in the publication of said texts.

3. The texts must be original and unpublished, in other words, they must not have been published totally or partially in Spanish or another language in different scientific dissemination bodies.

4. Each author must register their text in Creative Commons, preferably under the CC BY NC 4.0 combination.

5. Each author must register their ORCID number, with the aim of avoiding errors and confusion in the names of the authors when identifying their scientific production and being able to clearly distinguish them.

6. Authors must recognize the primary, secondary and tertiary sources of the texts they use to write their articles, essays and book reviews, with the aim of avoiding plagiarism. The citation manuals that authors can use are subject to the branch of study to which their scientific research belongs.

7. Authors must respect the intellectual property of the materials they have used in their research. For example, if images, tables, maps, diagrams, etc. are used, they must, in the first instance, have authorization to use these resources and in the second instance place a note at the foot of each element with their origin information. and in this way protect copyright.

8. Authors must include their collaborators in each of their texts, since, although it is true, the collaborators are not the authors of the documents, they have contributed to the publication of said materials.

9. Authors must immediately point out any errors found in the correction and layout of their texts and communicate with the editorial team responsible for La Universidad magazine.

10. The authors must take into account the observations and suggestions made by the proofreader.

11. The authors must take responsibility for their research first, doing an exhaustive review and correction of the texts they have sent to the journal to be published and second, they must assume the content presented in their research, in order to carry out the Editorial's disclaimer. UES University.


Copyeditor Responsibilities

1. Text editors must be professionals in letters, specialists in areas of linguistics, grammar, morphology, syntax, style correction, textual typology, pragmatics, semantics, among others.

2. Copy editors must provide support to authors to improve the quality of the texts to be published. Your treatment of the author at all times must be respectful, concise and clear when issuing your observations.

3. Copy editors must commit to reviewing texts consciously and professionally, in order to ensure the best and highest editing standards.

4. Text editors must base their observations on specific rules of linguistics, grammar, morphology, syntax, style correction, textual typology, pragmatics and semantics. So that the correction is objective and impartial.

5. Text editors must be expeditious in relation to the time dedicated to correcting the texts, depending on their length and complexity; in such a way that its review and correction does not delay the work of the other members of the editorial team.

6. Copy editors must maintain discretion and confidentiality of texts before, during and after the editing process.

7. Copyeditors should not use assigned materials for personal gain or to leak such information.

8. Text editors must guarantee the use of tools that detect plagiarism and if they find any, they must immediately report it to the Editorial Board.


Editorial Board Responsibilities


1. The members of the Editorial Board must actively participate in the establishment and updating of the editorial policy guidelines and in the communication and dissemination strategies of La Universidad magazine.

2. The members of the Editorial Board must ensure compliance with the transparency of the editorial processes to guarantee the rigor and scientific value of the publications.

3. The members of the Editorial Board must ensure the principle of honesty for the publication of articles, essays and book reviews based on the scientific merit of the contents, guaranteeing non-discrimination based on gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, political opinion, ethical origin and nationality.

4. The members of the Editorial Board must promote among the national and international academic community the presentation of works for publication in the magazine La Universidad.