A historical look at the Kurdish people: difficulties for their self-determination
Confederate State, Autonomy, Self Determination, United Nations, Ethnic minorityAbstract
Kurdistan, people not recognized as a State, settled mainly in four states of the Middle East, almost more than 90 years after the Treaty of Sevres was recognized as an independent State; This treaty was never ratified and began a turning point following the conclusion of the Treaty of Lausanne in 1923, in which, Kurdistan is hindered from obtaining its independence mainly due to the centralization of the Turkish state and nationalist groups against the Kurdish autonomy; After a series of revolts since 1930, the nationalist and identity sentiments of the Kurdish people, divided between four nations: Iraq, Iran, Syria and Turkey, intensify in which, in addition, a large part of the reserves of crude oil worldwide is identified. In this way, they are so called as an ethnic minority, more than 30 million people violating their right to self-determination, a principle recognized within the framework of the United Nations. in the present investigation some difficulties arise for its recognition as a possible Kurdish confederation from the reality in which they currently live. Reality that must be concordant based on respect for the political, cultural, religious and even territorial ideals of each of the countries in which they are settled. The 21st century has been greatly advanced and still many people around the world are still being repressed in the search for their autonomy.
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