Geopolitical importance of the Aegean Sea between the Republic of Türkiye and the Hellenic Republic. Period 2020-2023.
Aegean Sea, Militarization, Neorealism, Geopolitical tensions, Maritime securityAbstract
The Aegean Sea has a fundamental geopolitical value to both the Republic of Türkiye and the Hellenic Republic. It represents a strategic and ambitious position for the interests of both States, it is a connection point between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea, and it has multiple natural and energy resources. Such is its value and importance that it has reignited a historical conflict between the two republics, generating a new situation of tension on the European continent. The aforementioned conflict can be located in 1919 and from there different events have been arising that have only managed to aggravate the situation. To understand the actions of both republics, for that matter the neorealist theory allows the understanding of their actions in the international anarchic environment, demonstrating individual interests and benefits. In this context, the Aegean Sea, concentrates the future of peace or war for Europe, compromises the participation of other States such as Russia and the United States of America; and generates expectations of tension for organizations such as NATO and the European Union. The objectives of this writing respond to describe the historical background, the evolution of the conflict between the two republics determining its geopolitical and geostrategic importance; and the current situation regarding the areas in conflict between the two republics during the 2020-2023 period. According to the results of the investigation, projections of various future events are made that compromise their security, the economy, peace and precipitate the participation of other international actors in the conflict for the domain of the Aegean Sea.
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