China and United States, a binomial of power in the world order, 2010- 2019. Opportunity or threat to Central American security?


  • Carlos Alberto Peña Menjívar Universidad de El Salvador


China, United States, Central America, Threats, Security, Power, World Order, Geopolitics, International Politics, International Relations


The world order, seen from different poles, the military, political and economic, has from the last 10 years three key references in the international community, Russia, China and the States United. These countries, after the cold war and a historical process of reordering economic, have grown considerably in their political influence, such that said expansion has reached the Latin American region; where, although it does not show from Obviously, Central America can be a key geopolitical territory for such outreach, specifically in the interests of China and the United States. Faced with such international influence exerted by the States in question and the internal political and social situation, it has caused the Central American institutionality to be immersed in an unstable situation. This has given way that, in a certain way, the region is involved in commercial, economic or financial mechanisms, which have tied it politically based on international interests, which range from security, natural resources, logistics elements among others. In this sense, beyond perceiving these links as threats, joint diplomatic and institutional mechanisms must be created to be able to cope with this situation in a coordinated manner and thus be able to turn it into an opportunity for development. Central America is going through a key stage to balance its interests and the geopolitical position it can occupy in that dichotomy of power; however, it is necessary to align interests and political identities in order to have a coordinated vision of global geostrategy and the capacities that are possessed and that can be translated into security opportunities in the international system.


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Author Biography

Carlos Alberto Peña Menjívar, Universidad de El Salvador

Graduate in International Relations, University of El Salvador. Masters student in International Relations and Diplomacy at the National University of Costa Rica. With experience in issues of Human Rights, Development and International Cooperation, and the vision of this as an instrument of foreign policy of the States. Participant of different spaces for discussion and academic analysis on issues of international politics and related issues to the discipline of IR.


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How to Cite

Peña Menjívar, Carlos Alberto. 2020. “China and United States, a Binomial of Power in the World Order, 2010- 2019. Opportunity or Threat to Central American Security?”. Revista Relaciones Internacionales 2 (1):67-92.