Bolivia and Chile before the International Court of Justice of The Hague: the expectative rights and the unilateral acts of the States


  • Guillermo David Miranda Hernández Universidad de El Salvador


International Law, Expectation Rights, Unilateral Acts, International Promise, International Court of Justice, Chile, Bolivia, Pacific War, uti possidetis iuris


For decades, the condition of a Mediterranean country has characterized the Plurinational State of Bolivia, this determinant in its geopolitics acquired after the signing of the 1904 Peace Treaty with which the Pacific War ended, has always been a character that the country refuses to accept. Throughout the last century Bolivia has tried to obtain an exit to the Pacific Ocean through negotiations with Chile, but these have never been able to advance. In the 21st century, a radical change in the treatment of this issue came up, Bolivia sued Chile before the International Court of Justice in La Haya because in its opinion the latter has failed to fulfill the obligation it has with Bolivia to negotiate an exit to the Pacific Ocean. In the light of the existing jurisprudence in the area of unilateral acts and before the ruling of the preliminary objections presented by Chile, a sentence that in practical terms would be useless is seen in La Haya.


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Author Biography

Guillermo David Miranda Hernández, Universidad de El Salvador

Student of the VII cycle of Bachelor's Degree in International Relations at the University of El Salvador.


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How to Cite

Miranda Hernández, Guillermo David. 2018. “Bolivia and Chile before the International Court of Justice of The Hague: The Expectative Rights and the Unilateral Acts of the States”. Revista Relaciones Internacionales 1 (1):103-25.