The cyberspace as a zone of geopolitical control and the role of the great powers for the cyber supremacy: China and The United States


  • Silvia Marina Rivas Universidad de El Salvador


Attacks, Cyber politics, Cyber agents, Cyber attacks, Cybersecurity, Cyber defense, Espionage, Geopolitics


The use of Internet through tools, applications, and digital environments available to millions of users around the world, turned cyberspace into a geopolitical area. This article aims to make a brief description about methods and actors within the so-call cybergeopolitics and the race in where States are in a privileged place in the manufacture of devices and creation of software. The competition to achieve control of the information and the data distribution between the great powers is of the interest not only of privates companies, but rather the governments themselves to take advantage of other States, using various means that include new modalities, such as: espionage by hacking government offices, political figures, manipulation of elections and attacks on critical infrastructures. Intrusions in data systems with private information, they have to come to disrupt the rights of citizens themselves with justification of maintaining national security. Thus, through a bibliographic research, the fundamental concepts to understand how cyber threats are configured between States and users are identified, and what are the key points of why cyberspace is now an area of competition between two of the main technological powers, such as the United States and China; an issue that, in the medium term, will shape the device market and the transmission of data between users on a planetary level, within a technological and cybernetic race in full development.


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Author Biography

Silvia Marina Rivas, Universidad de El Salvador

Degree in International Relations from the University of El Salvador, Master in Peace, Security and International Conflicts, Professor of the International Political area of ​​the School of International Relations of the University of El Salvador.



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How to Cite

Rivas, Silvia Marina. 2021. “The Cyberspace As a Zone of Geopolitical Control and the Role of the Great Powers for the Cyber Supremacy: China and The United States”. Revista Relaciones Internacionales 3 (1):89-107.