The soft skills in management of development cooperation projects


  • Laura Roselvi Aguilar Escobar Universidad de El Salvador


Soft skills, Competencies, Project management, Cooperation for development, Interpersonal abilities.


The objective of this article is to determine soft skills as a factor for success in project management of cooperation for development in six departments of El Salvador. In order to achieve the objectives, the theoretical bases used were the Project Manager competency development framework developed by the Project Management Institute, authors of organizational behavior, and articles of journals of high scientific impact in project management were used. The methodological framework was focused on an epistemological approach of positivist or quantitative paradigm. The type of research was descriptive, non-experimental and transectional. The instrument for data collection was a survey. The population were 72 professionals with a sample of 65 project management professionals that will share their experiences at the time to evaluate the soft skills necessary to the success of the intervention as in their project manager or its collaborators. The results showed the prevalence of soft skills inside the personal competencies necessary for the success of an intervention, accompanied by the interpersonal skills key in the acquisition of these competencies, also the implicit role that these play in the development of those intervention and the impending necessity of an extensive formation in soft skills.


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Author Biography

Laura Roselvi Aguilar Escobar, Universidad de El Salvador

Professional in International Relations at the University of El Salvador. He is currently pursuing a specialization in Evaluation of Development Cooperation Projects. She has around four years of experience working as a volunteer in non-profit organizations, along with her work as a customer service agent, which has prompted her to investigate the effects of soft skills in the world of projects and cooperation, which he considers indispensable and constantly underestimated in the world of projects.


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How to Cite

Aguilar Escobar, Laura Roselvi. 2022. “The Soft Skills in Management of Development Cooperation Projects”. Revista Relaciones Internacionales 4 (1):87-113.