Climate change and Agenda Setting. Case studies: Spain, Argentina and Peru



agenda setting, climate change, media coverage, framing, climate finance


Climate change has disseminated through media coverage as a phenomenon that constantly challenges the existence of humanity, disregarding its characterization under its natural dimension and anthropogenic origin. After decades of investigation, Agenda Setting and Framing have been theories whose approach has been the analysis of the parameters chosen from media to turn specific events into trends in which those aspects subsequently marginalized become secondary for public opinion. From the academy, Agenda Setting has proved to turn climate change into a marginal issue usually identified by the emergence of international forums or natural disasters. Fill in time, these phenomena have involved their connection between political, economic, and social implications that media concern transforms into conceptions about the problem’s seriousness besides its inclusion in national and international agendas. For this purpose, the scope of this article is to identify the entailment between the Agenda Setting and the conceptions that derive from it about climate change in public opinion to promote critical analysis of the repercussions on the international development agenda


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Author Biography

Gabriela Eunice Umaña, Universidad de El Salvador

Docente de la Escuela de Relaciones Internacionales de la Universidad de El Salvador, cofundadora del Hub de Finanzas Sostenibles de El Salvador, miembro investigador de El Pivote, con estudios en financiamiento sostenible, diplomacia, derechos humanos y geopolítica.


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How to Cite

Umaña, Gabriela Eunice. 2022. “Climate Change and Agenda Setting. Case Studies: Spain, Argentina and Peru”. Revista Relaciones Internacionales 4 (2):137-55.