Proposal of activities to develop the localization skill in sixth grade students
activities, skill, geography, locate, contextualizationAbstract
In the teaching of geography, it is necessary to develop different skills through the gradual and progressive teaching of said subject, since this is a natural and social science, which guides the understanding of the different topics that the notion is currently studying in greater detail. of space and its consequent conceptions. The development of the ability to locate has an important role and developing it in students is a difficult task, therefore, the research aims to propose activities that contribute to the development of the ability to locate in sixth grade students at school. “Matilde Varona Acosta” primary school, in the municipality of Bejucal. It is developed using theoretical, empirical, as well as mathematical-statistical methods. The proposal is characterized by its flexibility, contextualization and promotes developmental learning and for this, techniques such as pedagogical tests (initial), the survey, the criteria of specialists and analysis of the product of the activity have been used, to achieve the assessment of the results in the near future.
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