Relevance and impact of university research in the economic sciences of the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, Managua–Centro Universitario Regional de Carazo



development, economic sciences, relevance, social impact, university research


The purpose of this text is to serve as a theoretical reference for a research model that contributes to the economic sciences of the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, where the role of university research, its relevance and impact on the development of the country is highlighted from a general point of view taking the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda as a development paradigm. It is necessary to stop along the way and stop to reflect on the research process that is being developed for both undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in economic sciences. This essay highlights the concept of relevance and its dynamism in the social, political, economic and cultural environment, which is related to research in economic sciences and the need to give priority to some topics to contribute to the solution of urgent needs. raising the need for a humanistic methodology in economic science research because it is social in nature. A small reflection is made on university research and its correspondence with the strategic lines of national development within the framework of the 2030 Agenda and the importance of establishing impact indicators in research, as well as a monitoring methodology so that the meaning is maintained. of relevance and make the necessary contributions from research to the development of the country.


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Author Biography

  • Daniela del Rosario Galán Pavón, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua



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How to Cite

Relevance and impact of university research in the economic sciences of the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, Managua–Centro Universitario Regional de Carazo. (2024). La Universidad, 5(4), 51-73.