Interconnections between Pedagogical Political Project and pedagogical coordination:
propositions for the innovation of practices in the school context
critical thinking, educational management, innovation, pedagogical practice, student participationAbstract
This article aims to reflect on the importance of the Pedagogical Political Project (PPP) as a reference for the work of the Pedagogical Coordinator in the Brazilian school context. In this way, we seek to discuss the following question: What are the contributions of the PPP as a foundational instrument of coordination work in the school environment? In this sense, it was proposed to analyze the relevance of the pedagogical coordinator in the articulation of the educational process based on the school’s PPP and to demonstrate its importance as a driver of innovations in pedagogical practice. This work is the result of a bibliographic research rooted in the approaches of Dagnino, Brandão, Novaes (2014), Freire (1983, 1987), Vasconcellos (2000), Veiga (2007), among others. It was evident that the PPP must be conceived as a reference framework for the exercise of pedagogical coordination, as well as the need for the aforementioned document to make constant updates and meet the demands of the educational scenario to contribute to the implementation of innovative pedagogical practices.
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