The dimension of Social Innovation in the National Student Assistance Program and its impact on Public Policies
access to education, democratization, higher education, social inclusion, public policyAbstract
The event of access policies to higher education and the expansion of student assistance promoted the inclusion of historically marginalized students in public universities. In an effort to ensure the retention of these students, there has been growth in student assistance policies, such as the National Student Assistance Program (PNAES). Consequently, the main objective of this article is to understand how the National Student Assistance Program contributes to social innovation in the context of higher education in Brazil, with research conducted in October 2023. Specific objectives include: 1) identifying which actions of PNAES promote social innovation, 2) determining if the National Student Assistance Program incorporates characteristics of social innovation within its structures, and 3) discussing the relevance of the student movement as a strengthening element of PNAES in higher education. The theoretical framework of this bibliographic study is based on the ideas of Moulaert (2000), Alter (2000), André, and Abreu (2006), who discuss social innovation as a collective process. Initially, a brief historical overview of the democratization of access to higher education in Brazil is presented, followed by an analysis of the National Student Assistance Program (PNAES). This is a qualitative and bibliographic investigation that seeks to broaden the debate regarding PNAES as a possibility for social innovation. The results show that the democratization of access to higher education alone is not sufficient; it is necessary to implement policies that ensure the retention of students in universities.
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