Reasons for school dropout in Brazilian higher education:
a systematic literature review
economic system, higher education, learning context, pedagogical research, school dropoutAbstract
This is a literature review article whose objective was to summarize the reasons associated with the phenomenon of school dropouts in Brazilian higher education, in the last 5 years, from 2018 to September 2023. For the search, the String tool was used, which located documents using the following keywords: “school evasion”, “school dropouts” and “higher education”. 112 articles were identified through the CAPES Periodical Platform, in the DOAJ bases SciELO Brazil, SciELO Portugal, PUCRS Institutional Repository, SciELO Costa Rica, OECD Library, Publisher’s Website, SciELO Perú, SciELO Colombia, SciELO Ecuador and SciELO México. The inclusion criteria were empirical articles available in Portuguese, published in the period from January 2018 to September 2023 and peer-reviewed. While, the exclusion criteria were: articles without full text in foreign languages, published outside the period, dissertations, theses, theoretical articles, book chapters and minutes of events. After the review five studies were chosen. The results indicated that, as reasons associated with evasion in higher education, there is failure, academic and social integration, financial issues, academic failure and the infrastructure of universities.
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