Ethnomathematics and entrepreneurship in Brasil
economics, marketing, mathematics, social development, teaching methodAbstract
This article presents a Systematic Literature Review (RSL) on ethnomathematics and entrepreneurship, a collection of academic and empirical works that discuss ethnomathematics in the work practices of solidarity entrepreneurs. This work was interested in answering the unknown, how ethnomathematical knowledge is presented in studies that investigate the work practices of entrepreneurs in the period from 2018 to 2022 in Brazil. To do this, a compilation was made on the CAPES newspaper portal, theses and dissertations, which concomitantly discuss ethnomathematics and entrepreneurship, considering the descriptors “ethnomathematics” and “entrepreneurship.” Among the studies found, only 4 works were selected. The documentary technique was used as the research methodology. In summary, the studies demonstrated that, despite the absence of conventional mathematics in the cultural practices of the groups analyzed, the authors agree with the existence of traditional mathematical knowledge intrinsic to their work techniques. Therefore, based on the RSL, we infer that a cultural group evokes and uses inherited mathematical knowledge, using it in the methodological particularities of its endeavors
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