Pedagogical Innovation in the masters

Faculty of Medicine of the University of Salvador, year 2022


  • Blanca Aracely v Universidad de El Salvador
  • Hilda Cecilia Méndez Universidad de El Salvador
  • José Alberto Rosabal Rodríguez Universidad de El Salvador


Educational innovation, Transdisciplinarity, Institutional synergy, Academic component, Investigative component, Component of social projection


The master’s degree in Community Clinical Psychology (MPCC) at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of El Salvador (FM-UES), was held from February 2019 to December 2020 and was one of the university training strategies of the Agua Futura project , «Training and research activity completed on the monitoring and modeling of the quality and quantity of water resources and on psychosocial and pedagogical aspects, associated in the areas of El Salvador and Guatemala» whose objectives were: • Improving the quality of sustainable management of water resources and related social conflicts in El Salvador and Guatemala. • Contribute to improving the theoretical and practical knowledge of the resources, the comprehensive sustainable management of water and the community, and the detection of obstacles and psychosocial resources (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse, 2017). • Contribute product of the investigations, in the improvement of the pedagogical activities, to contribute that they have a high level of scientificity. • Transdisciplinarity, its cooperation and integration in the training of professionals, the continuous training of community leaders in the component of social projection. • The quality of the twelve works presented with a high scientific level and the publication of two articles. The project was developed in the municipality of Colima, in the department of San Salvador, with the objective of integrating the elements of educational innovation for the improvement of master’s programs; achieving a graduate who meets the expectations of the Salvadoran people, for the solution of the most pressing problems of the communities, where the focus of the three components that those who participate in such hard work must have is vital.


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How to Cite

v, B. A., Méndez, H. C., & Rosabal Rodríguez, J. A. (2022). Pedagogical Innovation in the masters: Faculty of Medicine of the University of Salvador, year 2022. La Universidad, 2(2), 114–129. Retrieved from