Knowledge of a teacher about the production of written texts



Texts, primary school, mother tongue, writing, types of texts


This article analyzes the different types of texts, their characteristics and importance for teaching the mother tongue from an early age, specializing in primary education. To do this, a classification of texts with their distinctive aspects is made available to teachers, which will facilitate the creation of said manuscripts. It is also distinguished by its importance for the comprehensive training of primary students. In this sense, the objective of this article is to characterize the different texts for teaching the mother tongue in the first years of educational training.


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Author Biographies

Yisel Ferras Rodríguez

Profesora de la Escuela Primaria Hermano Saiz

Dayana Guerrero Carus

Profesora de la Escuela Primaria Capitán San Luis Quivicán

Katiuska Ramos Prieto

Profesora de la Escuela Primaria Capitán San Luis Quivicán.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez, Y. F., Guerrero Carus, D., & Ramos Prieto, K. (2024). Knowledge of a teacher about the production of written texts. La Universidad, 5(3), 3–18. Retrieved from