Fortuna, occasione e virtù: a reading from Machiavelli’s approach about the results of the presidential elections in El Salvador in 2019
Polarized pluralism, Ideological distance, Bipartisanship, Political parties, Fortune, Occasione, VirtùAbstract
In recent years, the political context in El Salvador has been influenced by the prevalence of a polarized pluralism affected by the ideological distance between both major political parties, same that have carried out the elections since the signature of the Peace Accords thus far. Nevertheless, during the presidential elections in 2019 the traditional pattern was broken, since Nayib Bukele gets into the power under the banner of a political party that is not included in the described pattern.
Under this new political reality prevailing in the country, this article seeks to explain from the political theory, particularly from the interpretation of Niccolò Machiavelli, those elements that allowed the current president of the Republic to come to power, as well as the aspects that he should take into account so that the changes he makes last over time. For this, the essential concepts of Machiavelli’s theory such as fortune, occasione and virtù are addressed, since they are present in his most outstanding works such as The Prince, The Art of War, The Discourses on Livy and The Life of Castruccio Castracani of Lucca.
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