Lifestyle, risk factor for diabetes mellitus type 2 in rural adult population
Diabetes mellitus type 2, Rural population, Risk factors, El SalvadorAbstract
Diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2) is a chronic disease related to modifiable and non-modifiable factors; it has impacted public health in recent decades. Aim. To determine lifestyles as a risk factor associated with the appearance of DM2, in a rural population. Methodology. Case-control study to estimate the associated risks (lifestyles) with the appearance of DM2, 124 subjects, 62 cases and 62 controls matched by sex and age. We include sociodemographic variables, lifestyles and eating behavior. Odds ratio and the Mantel-Haenszel Chi-square test allowed statistical estimation. 24.2% were men, 75.8% women, with a mean age of 62.7 years, 91% of women had high cardiovascular risk. The subjects (cases) who consumed alcohol had a higher risk, with an odds ratio (OR) of 1,633 (95% CI 1.289-8.015), other drugs, OR1.718 (95% CI 1.306-13.697), pupusas, OR 1.898 (95% CI 1.914- 9.870), dessert OR1,928 (CI95% 1,713-36,970), sweetened beverages, OR1,652 (CI95% 1,372-7,154). The subjects (controls) who consumed alcohol had a lower risk, OR 0.508 (95% CI 1.289-8.015), other drugs OR 0.406 (95% CI 1.306-13.697), pupusas, OR 0.437 (95% CI 1.914-9.870), dessert OR 0.242 (95% CI 1.713 -36,970) and sweetened beverages OR 0.527 (95% CI 1.372-7.154). The consumption of vegetables- salads and fruits were protective factors for the two groups. Conclusion. Women had a higher cardiovascular risk (overweight, obesity grade I and II). The consumption of alcohol, other drugs, pupusas, desserts, sweetened beverages presented a higher risk in the cases and a lower risk in the controls. The consumption of vegetables-salads and fruits were protective factors.
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