The evolution of diplomatic communication: its transformation over time and the new ""ciber diplomacy"



Diplomacy, Diplomatic communication, Diplomatic evolution, Cyber diplomacy, Soft power


The history of mankind has led to the creation of different sciences and disciplines to study one's own social behavior; with the settlement of nomads and the beginning of the first primitive communities, the first antecedents of diplomacy were born. With the birth of the States, relations were established with each other to guarantee alliances, avoid conflicts and promote trade. Knowing and giving importance to the historical path that diplomacy has taken and the communication that the actors have had is fundamental to adapt to the new changes in the new globalized system of the 21st century. The international phenomena that have emerged throughout the world have brought with them new forms of communication in diplomacy, from the abolition of secret diplomacy with the League of Nations, to new methods recently discovered such as cyber diplomacy that was born thanks to the state needs that the post COVID world has faced.


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Author Biography

Melissa Carolina Montes Salinas, University of El Salvador

Estudiante de cuarto año de la Licenciatura de Relaciones Internacionales. Parte de la delegación de la Universidad de El Salvador en el XXXVI Modelo de la Asamblea General de la Organización de los Estados Americanos; parte del grupo organizador y ponente del diplomado de Laicidad del Estado, Género y Democracia brindado en la Unidad de Proyección Social de la facultad; parte de la Comisión de Protocolo y Logística del Modelo de las Naciones Unidas de la Universidad de El Salvador. Mis áreas de interés son lo socio-político, identidad y diversidad (enfocado en el género), feminismo y diplomacia.


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How to Cite

Montes Salinas, Melissa Carolina. 2023. “The Evolution of Diplomatic Communication: Its Transformation over Time and the New "‘ciber Diplomacy’”. Revista Relaciones Internacionales 5 (1):91-106.